
Lucky Do Over

There were two thoughts on my mind when I awoke this morning.  1) "Whoa - I really slept in!"  and  2) "I am one extremely lucky girl. Like, hugely lucky."

Truthfully, the thought that I am a lucky person has been on my mind a lot lately.  Because of that, I spent a few hours one day reminiscing over all the events that I could think of - that have taken place in my life, which most people would attribute to luck, serendipity, divine intervention, or fate.  When all was said and done I came away from the experience able to acknowledge that I truly do live a very charmed life ---- and, I don't nearly give myself enough credit for living life as I intended.  Instead, I've spent a great deal of my experience lamenting over seeming mistakes, regrets, or that I somehow just wasn't good enough for whatever it was I was wanting.

Why is it we can hear a criticism, either from someone else or even ourselves,  and we're so willing to carry that dark smudge upon our character around our whole lives - or at the very least decades -- but discount, if not forget, those wonderful moments that seem magical or blessed?  Because, trust me on this -- there are more moments of blessings and magical interventions and miracles than there have ever been dark smudges.

Why is it we worry and obsess and spend so much of our lives believing we're not worthy or deserving?  After all - isn't that the context in which so many of us view luck?  That some of us get all the breaks, or that divinity shines brighter on some more than others?

We do this because we don't believe we're worthy...it's really no more complicated than this.  And, it feels awful because it's contrary to what's true: We're all worthy and we're all deserving and we're all very lucky beings.

I remember playing certain games as a child and when someone would make a mistake they would shout out "Do Over!"  It was understood that the previous action didn't count against them and we would proceed forward as though nothing ever happened.  Why on earth we gave that up as adults is beyond my understanding.

So, in my life - from here on out - I invoke the Law of Do Over.  Only this time it comes with a remembering: We do over because we appreciate the experience, not because we believe we screwed up. We Do Over because we understand we're always doing the best we can and we appreciate learning and expanding from all our experiences.  That was the magical charm we held as children in our Do Overs.  We didn't spend the next hour beating ourselves up because we didn't do it "right" the first time around.  Do Over's meant we wanted to have another experience.  The Do Over meant we remembered we were here to have fun and that everything was suppose to work out for us. It was that simple.

Law of Do Over says:  My life is a lucky charm and it's magically delicious.

If you gave yourself permission for a Do Over today - what would you choose?  Would you choose to see yourself as Lucky? Would you choose to see yourself as Amazing? Would you choose to see yourself as Happy and living a Wonderful Life? How would you choose to see yourself in relationship with others?  Would it be filled with joy and excitement?  Would you start singing, "My life is a lucky charm and it's magically delicious?"  Would you choose to see every wondrous experience in your life as though you've won the jackpot lottery?  Most of all - how would you FEEL?

Start today - make lists of the sweet deliciousness in your life, but stock up on legal pads because you'll quickly go through them. Or, use the Word program on your computer.  Get some colored chalk and make lists on your sidewalk or driveway.  Not only is it pretty, it gives your neighbors something to talk about. : )  Most of all - never forget YOU are the luckiest person on the planet earth and no one is living a more charmed life than you.

Blessed Be Y'all ~ Penelope

I love playing in Photoshop


The good ship Expectation

I've rediscovered my blog almost one year to the day after forgetting it existed.  All the words I've kept inside me are eager to be unleashed upon these pages, so it will be interesting to see what unfolds.

When I found my way back home to this wayward gem, the idea that was grabbing my attention was the word "Expectation."  It makes a powerful statement, this sparkle of a word, as it fuels the trajectory of our lifelong meanderings. For every subject that's near and dear to our hearts, and even those that are not so dear or near, as well as those subjects skulking around in a clueless mind, "expectation" is the navigation officer.

Expectation is the belief born from life experience, our interpretation of those experiences, but most importantly an absolute expression of our Free Will.  How remarkable to remember I live in a realm of absolute freedom to choose what I want to experience.  I lived many years not knowing this; not knowing I was so free I could place myself in bondage - believing that life was happening to me and others - without our consent - where we had no choice but to live out the fortunes of our fate.

I am so grateful I remembered that it's really not how this Universe works. I'm so grateful I followed the bread crumbs that captured my attention, that resonated within me, that showed up in bold lights reminding me I'm the architect of my life.  No matter what - no exceptions to this rule - I create my reality.


I create my reality based upon my expectations.

Even more awesome!

The best part of remembering I create my reality is that it doesn't matter how long I've known this, because it's a belief - an expectation - I resurrect everyday.  No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going; no matter who I'm mixing life up with, I'm always choosing my perspective. I'm always choosing what I want to see...right down to that smallest detail that's barely noticeable in my experience.

This feels totally amazing - I love appreciating my freedom. I love the freedom to expect my life to work out. I love the freedom to expect to live a happy life.  I love the freedom to expect to have amazing experiences and travels. I love the freedom to expect to enjoy my family and friends. I love the freedom to expect to enjoy my life's work.  I love the freedom to expect to live an abundant and prosperous life. I love the freedom to expect to fall deeply and madly in love.

What perfect timing this is! I've so enjoyed rediscovering myself this morning.


Valuing Sleep

I love sleeping. I love naps. I love the idea that we can rest our bodies, our minds, and drift off into another world, into a place where we're more of who we are, where we have a greater knowing of our vibrational nature. It's blissful.

I love the feeling of drifting off, wonderful images passing through my mind's eye, listening to the call of the many non-physical beings that are always with me, always guiding me.

I love the refreshment of sleep and resting - and how just a few minutes can bring me back into alignment, change my perspective, and discover a whole new world around me.

I slept in this morning, until almost noon. I cannot remember the last time I did that, but I am so appreciating the amazing journeys that took place. It's funny, too, because I first woke at 7 am, but the desire to return to my wonderful soft pillow, my silky sheets and cozy quilt wouldn't be denied. The really interesting part is that I didn't feel tired or exhausted. What an odd combination - to feel awake and rested, but desiring the experience that only sleep provides. It's a world that beckoned me to come play just a little longer. So I did.

What a wonderful gift we've given ourselves with sleep. Each day I love discovering more and more things that are evidence of our brilliance and genius. The perfection of sleep is mind blowingly awesome! Isn't it perfect? Each day, or whenever the feeling comes over us - we can lay down - reconnect with who we are, go to places known and unknown - make new discoveries and then come back to our physical awareness and have another experience. Omg - we're such busy and frisky and active beings!

I love this! I love this human experience. Who wouldn't love it? Who wouldn't want to come back here again, and again, and again, and again, and again? Even for the experience of sleep. ~sigh~ I love myself for being a genius creator. 

Sweet and precious dreams to one and all!


Golden Treasures

This morning I took my son, Benjamin, to work and after returning home Cooper and I walked around the front lawn, discovering discarded things the raccoons leave at the bottom of the oak tree. But, a few feet beyond the oak, a golden object laid shimmering in the grass. It turned out to be a small piece from a honeycomb. It fascinated me...to find this masterful piece of bee architecture that would rival the works of all the great builders in history; that would rival the first Masons. In the center of each magnificently engineered hexagonal cell was a consequential symbol that we, in modern times, have come to defined as Peace. I stood there amazed and amused at the ease in which nature communicates with us --- if we choose to pay attention.

Although the comb was drained of all its thick golden liquid, the aromatic vestiges remained with a scent so sweet and musky my tongue tingled with the memory of it's deliciousness nectar.

I felt the rush of appreciate and even excitement wash over me as this tiny piece of nature could bring me so much joy. I thought about all the bees that were once part of this colony and the busy work they did to make their hive. I thought about all the plants and flowers they pollenated, that because of their contribution so much in our world is thriving. I also thought that the bees aren't thinking about their contribution to this world - they're simply following their bliss - their joy - doing what they love to do. They set off each day, their senses taking them to the most delicious smelling discoveries, filling them with an intoxicating sense of well-being. I thought about how they work in harmony with one another and never waver from their intentions. I thought about their tiny bodies and how they defy the rules of aerodynamics and most of all the law of gravity - and yet they fly to their heart's abandon.

My amazing day started with a miracle and message that left me swooning from the sweet call of my own intentions:

Follow My Bliss - Follow My Heart - Follow What Feels Good.


Are you enjoying the contrast of your time, space reality?

I am so appreciating the value of contrast for giving unconditionally to me the opportunity to decide what I prefer is a better life experience. For anything and everything!

The most excellent part is I get to decide the contrast of my life. Me! No one else! I also get to decide how much, or how little. Omg - that is so amazing and empowering. What a testament to this Universe and how much I'm loved and adored and appreciated.

Divine Intelligence, All That Is, the Quantum Field, Zero Point Energy, God, Goddess, Source, Creator, no matter the name, that is who I am...Who I *really* am. And, I experience Who I Am as so valuable and worthy and deserving, that I sent myself forth into this time/space reality, with complete confidence, trust and knowing that I would never get anything wrong and that all of my creations are valued and appreciated and worthy. I love the me of Me so much, that the only thing I AM capable of is holding me in absolute perfection. This love is so big, so huge, so infinite - there are no words which are able to convey the depth of appreciation this Universe gazes upon me.

I don't know if my heart can contain such a love, but each day I open myself up more and more to the receiving and allowing.

It is through the contrast of my experiences that I have remembered Who I Am. And so I bless this contrast, this delicious, amazing, incredible, delicious, awesome, magnificent, intelligent contrast --- for it has reminded me I Am Free and have always been free. Free to choose, free to decide, free to experience and become anything I can ever possibly desire!

I have given to myself the lottery jackpot of human experiences!


Floating like a Kite

I was thinking earlier what it is I might like about a specific area of interest. And in this process I extended that desire further to see what it would feel like. As I did this, I realized my thoughts had taken me to a place which reflected something I didn’t want. So, while the not wanted received more than 68 seconds of my focus, I quickly snapped myself back to here and began slowly releasing the previous energy. Through this, I learned what I wanted. It was a good exercise in deciphering.

It’s interesting, because we grow up believing this twisted, false premise that in order to release something from our lives, we need to push against it. We need to talk about why we don’t want it, all the implications of how something is most undesirable, how other’s don’t want it, all the conversations that engage the not wanting. The false premise being, of course, that if we talk about something enough, we’ll have learned all there is to know about it and in the process keep ourselves away from experiencing whatever it is we don’t want. In essence we're taught to Push Against.

ng simply means giving our attention to something wanted. It’s like holding a balloon in the wind. To keep the balloon from flying away, we must hold onto the string tightly. However, should anything distract our attention and we loosen our grip on the string, the balloon can fly away freely.

So, too, goes the things unwanted in my life. It’s hard, sometimes, to not give the unwanted our attention. It really is very compelling and interesting, and sometimes so damn habitual – we might not know what to think if we didn’t think the unwanted. I'm finding out, lately, that if I close my eyes and see myself as a kite, floating gently and easily across the sky, going to wherever the wind has set its course, that which I am not wanting is released from my attention, making room for more pleasurable, if not blissful, experiences.

I'm discovering that it’s true what Abraham says: reach for the feeling and not the thought. Reach for the memory of a delicious feeling or emotion, or just one that feels better than the previous, the thoughts will soon form. They’ll soon come to me, because it’s law.

There really is nothing I have to do, or attempt to think. All I’ve ever had to do is what feels best, from wherever I stand. That’s it. But, it does require a conversation with oneself. It does require being so in tune with myself that I know what I'm feeling. This does require I stay awake and aware and commit myself to the idea that Nothing Is More Important Than I Feel Good; not Think Good.

Without accepting this concept, this idea, I have no gauge; I will have no compass or touchstone. Each and every circumstance, condition, or event gives me another opportunity to know who I am, to strengthen my confidence in my knowledge, and to employ my understanding for the foundation I'm creating.

I am
my Touchstone ~ I am my Constant ~ I am my Creator ~ I am my Buried Treasure ~ I am my Heart's Desir


Some mornings are like that

I woke up this morning feeling like my world was upside down.

So, I decided to get away and sit by the river. Funny how things in nature can reflect what's going on within you. Like the rapids in the river, it was hard to find a thought where I didn't feel the upheaval of my emotions.

But, with a little bit of effort, I was able to gain a broader perspective and things started to look and feel different. Started to think different thoughts too.  Like, maybe things aren't so bad.  There's much in my life to appreciate.

While the circumstances and conditions haven't changed, I do believe it's going to be a Bright, Sun Shiny Day.

After all, no one ever said Living Happily Ever After wasn't going to take some focus and reaching for better feeling thoughts.


What do you love? What brings you joy?

It's that time of year, when all the creatures big and small, human, beast and plant begin to feel the awakening of Spring.  Oh, it's not here just yet, but you can smell it in the air just as easily as the first, succulent fruit of the harvest season. Even more so, you can feel it in your bones as it calls out to you, filling you with anticipation of all that's coming into being.

It's no surprise, then, when I woke early this morning and asked myself my favorite morning question: What brings me joy?, the awakening spring ritual was my answer. I tried to read my email - but it was pointless.  I tried to get excited about doing something in the house - but that was useless. Truth is, and more than anything, I wanted to be outdoors, my hands in the dirt, my mind planning and plotting out gardens for flowers and delicious vegetables; redesigning my chicken coop to become the most chic and happening brooding house on West River Road; I wanted to mark trees for removal...the wood offering to be used for the fireplace, compost, as well as spring-summer-fall bon fires. I planted rows and rows of peony this morning, as well as several small fruit orchards. The small, yet absolutely adorable summer kitchen that sits upon my farm, was completely revamped into a magnificent writing and relaxing home for dwellers and guests alike. Oh, I even replaced the roof on the main house with a gorgeous standing seam - in a charcoal color no less.

Yes indeed - my morning and afternoon was very productive, with most of it taking place in my mind's eye. I love, love, love my imagination and all the ideas and desires that are born - especially when it comes to anything related to the home / cooking / gardening / farming.

When my imagination could no longer contain the enthusiasm bubbling inside me, I did the one thing that would get my dogs more excited than me:  I showed them their leashes and into the SUV the three of us went. First, we enjoyed a mile long hike through Sidecut Park with, thankfully, most of the deer taking their late morning / early afternoon siesta. I love seeing deer on my walks, but Lucy and Cooper tell me it's their solemn mission to protect me from all beasts, including those I enjoy. Lucy + Cooper + Deer = WARNING, WARNING, HIGH ALERT!

Afterward, we took a quick drive through a local fast food joint for coffee (me) and chicken strips (the dogs!). As I sat in the parking lot, wondering what was next for our adventurous day, it's no surprise my truck intimately knows my strongest desires and took me, post haste, to my farm.

Confession --- the farm I've named, and moved into (if only in my mind), isn't really mine. At least not according to the county auditor, and the people that still hold the deed. Nevertheless, it's mine in heart, spirit and mind. If there ever was a great love affair between human and land - then that would be me and this property. It's a wonderful and lovely home and farm that's been on the market for almost 2 years, if not longer. There's been a few close calls where someone actually thought the place was theirs and attempted a purchase, but luckily and selfishly for me -- the sales fell through. Whew!

Joyfully, the dogs and I traipsed through the snow, making our rounds on the farm - noticing where wildlife had done the same thing hours earlier. Things I never noticed before popped out waiting for my camera's acknowledgment - of which I gladly obliged. When it came time for the three of us to once again climb inside the warm comfort of the truck, I said my good-byes, infused the home and property with my love and appreciation, and drove away shouting the best Arnold impersonation possible:  "I'll Be Back!"


Love has no calories

I was speaking with dear friend, Beth, the other night on Skype. The course of our conversation was central to Love and Appreciation, the building blocks of our lives. For much of the fall season, it was apparent that I had been processing and shifting some long-held beliefs that not only felt bad, but had long out lived their ability to serve me in any kind of meaningful way. The discord I was experiencing between where I was, and where I wanted to be, was showing up - quite glaringly - as a mirror from those I love the most.

As the discord grew and grew within me, I needed to step back, go within, and begin soothing myself - in whatever way I could while also leaving everyone out of my process.  This wasn't, after all, about them. It was about my perception, my expansion as a consciousness, and where I wasn't allowing myself to grow.  It's so much easier, don't you think, when you take everyone else off the hook of why you feel bad and know - without any doubt - that you have the ability and power to guide the direction of your own life?

I began journaling, again, and also engaged in processes that felt good to me. While listening to an Abraham workshop I attended in Asheville, North Carolina in November, I heard something that made not only my ears perk up, but felt to the core of my being:

"When you're true to yourself, you know your own Value."

It was then I realized, once again, I had been caring more about what other's thought of me, than how I felt about myself.  It is my sincere hope that one day, I will consistently remember there is nothing more important than I feel good. That one day I can say, with all the sincerity of my being, "I love you so much I don't care what you think."  Because, truly, that is where love begins --- with the self.

Everything we experience in our lives is a reflection, or a mirror, of a vibration or frequency within ourselves. There is no exception to that Law. And, when we can truly know that, and release all our judgments that have held us in a place of crappy thoughts and feelings, all that's left is our connection with who we really are: Source...a stirring, bubbling cauldron of Love.

There is nothing, in my opinion, more blissful than reconnecting with who I am --- who we all are.  In that space of connection, inspiration flows in so many different areas of joy, that not even wild horses can stop a person from engaging in that happiness.

In light of that, this morning I made: Love Muffins.

Bon Appetite!

P.S. Love has no calories...quoted from Sierra